Mumm RSRV Blanc de Blancs

Mumm RSRV Blanc de Blancs reflects the richness of the House’s vineyard and its outstanding expertise in the production of champagne. Highly sought-after by wine lovers, this cuvée is characterized by elegance, purity and freshness. It is produced exclusively from Chardonnay harvested in Cramant, on the Côte des Blancs slope, on historic plots acquired by Mumm in 1882. A wine with incredible vivacity and beautiful minerality.

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Mumm RSRV Blanc de Blancs


While brut, demi-sec and rosé champagnes are a blend of different grape varieties, Mumm RSRV Blanc de Blancs is produced exclusively from a single grape variety, Chardonnay, which results in a light, bright color, as well as freshness and delicacy.


The story of Mumm Blanc de Blancs begins with the House’s own vines, rooted in the heart of the terroir of Champagne… Spread across some 218 hectares primarily located in eight of the most well renowned Grand Cru communes, the Mumm vineyard reveals a variety of nuances, each one playing an essential role in the unique character of the House’s wines. The vineyard’s oceanic and continental climate, hilly landscapes and slopes, and limestone subsoil bestow the grapes their unique and distinctive character, cornerstones in Mumm’s inimitable style.

Mumm RSRV Blanc de Blancs, the elegance of Chardonnay

Mumm RSRV Blanc de Blancs is defined by minerality, purity and vivacity, and it epitomizes the House’s outstanding craftsmanship. Initially created in 1882, this unique Cuvée is produced exclusively from Chardonnay grown in Cramant (which means “Chalk Mount”) in the heart of the Côte des Blancs. This Grand Cru terroir offers perfect weather conditions and chalky soil that contribute freshness to Chardonnay’s delicacy. After a minimum of three years’ cellar aging, the wine fully releases all its aromas. It presents a light, bright color, with faint yellow and green highlights, and delicate bubbles. On the nose, the wine reveals notes of fresh flowers and fruit (pear, apple), lemon. It starts out elegant on the palate, with subtle minerality followed by incredible richness, to conclude in a lively, expressive finish.

Mumm RSRV Blanc de Blancs pairs perfectly with seafood, in particular with oysters, lobster and scallops.

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