Mumm gifting season

With its distinguished heritage dating back to 1827, GH Mumm is the forward-looking Champagne Maison. The revolutionary Mumm Grand Cordon bottle is the perfect embodiment of the spirit of the House associated with audacious challenges and ground-breaking endeavors. Toasting milestones, new beginnings or simply celebrating friendship, the fresh intensity of the Pinot Noir evokes life’s most unforgettable moments.

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toast with mumm rose and grand cordon

The perfect gift

It’s gifting season, everyone deserves Champagne this end of year! Festive, elegant, chic, if there is one gift that never fails, it’s a Mumm gift box.

Intense in freshness and complexity, revealed by the essence of the Pinot Noir grapes central to Mumm’s signature style. The perfect pairing for any celebration, to savour the moments that matter with the ones you love most.


Grand Cordon


Mumm Grand Cordon is the signature cuvee of Maison Mumm, and is presented in an iconic bottle adorned with a red ribbon that has paid homage to the French Legion of Honour. It is ideal as an aperitif or a lazy Sunday brunch – those moments when everything simply clicks and positive energy flows.

This champagne is brightly sparkling, light golden with an abundance of elegant bubbles. An explosion of freshness in the mouth, followed by complex aromas of fresh fruit and caramel perpetuating the intensity.


Grand Cordon Rosé

Mumm Grand cordon rosé

The avant-garde bottle of Mumm Grand Cordon Rosé has no label. Instead, the House’s iconic red ribbon is engraved directly into the glass, representing a technical feat conceived and achieved in collaboration with award-winning designer.

Embodying a passionate personality, Mumm Grand Cordon Rosé expresses its intense, fruity character with rich aromas of wild red and black berries, typical of the Pinot Noir grape variety cultivated in Maison Mumm’s legendary vineyards in the Champagne region of France.

The power and structure of Pinot Noir is delicately balanced with the elegance of Chardonnay and the fruitiness of Meunier. A portion of red wine brings intensity and notes of forest fruits and spice to this elegant blend to create a brut rosé champagne that is at once light, intense, and fresh.


toast with mumm

Mumm wants to celebrate something special happening in your life – whether that be a big promotion at work, reconnecting with friends, the beginning of a new year, a new recipe you’re testing out at home … or anything that sparks a bit of optimism in your life. Each moment shared with loved ones deserves to be celebrated. Toast to these special events in your life with a glass of Champagne.

Reflecting on the past year’s challenges and celebrating all the new opportunities to come, raise a toast to new beginnings and the infinite possibilities they bring. Raise your glass and join us: #MUMMTOAST.

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