
the new face of maison mumm: Cellar master Yann munier.

Maison Mumm is delighted to announce the arrival of its new Cellar Master, Yann Munier, on 8 April 2024.

Cellar Master Yann munier

Yann Munier

Known for being in equal parts a man of the land, of wine, and of community: Yann Munier has a visceral attachment to the terroir of Champagne, is especially attentive to the quality of its wines, and is sincerely attuned to human values. He hopes to bring the teams at Mumm with him by creating close ties and giving meaning to his new project for Mumm.

It is a House whose style he appreciates—from its approach to Pinot Noir focusing on its qualities of freshness, elegance and fruit—to its capacity to explore wine tasting in a new light with its Taste Encounters experience—to its innovative vision for the future with Mumm Cordon Rouge Stellar.

More than a métier, champagne is for me above all a synonym for conviviality, pleasure and sharing.

Yann Munier
Yann Munier

A native of Champagne, he has always remained close to his roots.

Yann Munier was born in Vitry-le-François where he grew up in an environment where terroir and champagne have an omnipresent role in daily life. The third generation of a family of winemakers and growers, Yann Munier continues to take part in running the family’s domain, which in addition to creating its own cuvées, supplies grapes to a number of Champagne houses, including Maison Mumm.

With his training in agronomy, agricultural engineering and oenology, Yann Munier has mastered every stage in the creation of champagne in the course of a career.

In taking on the role of Cellar Master, he naturally becomes Mumm’s primary ambassador in promoting the excellence of its savoir-faire and the quality of its wines, both in France and abroad.

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