Rice pudding with caramel

Rice pudding with caramel and toasted buckwheat

Rice pudding with caramel & toasted buckwheat

  • People
    For 4
  • Preparation time
    45 minutes
  • Winery pairing
    Mumm Olympe


Rice Pudding
  • 125g round rice
  • 75cl milk
  • 75g superfine sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 75g superfine sugar
  • 20g salted butter
  • 5cl whipping cream

2 tablespoonfuls buckwheat


Step 1. Rice Pudding

  1. Plunge the rice into a large saucepan of boiling water and leave to cook for 3 min.
  2. Strain.
  3. Bring to the boil the milk with the vanilla pod split in two.
  4. Pour the rice into it and leave to cook for 25 min, mixing carefully.
  5. Add the sugar and leave to cook for another 2 min. Take off the heat and leave to cool.
  6. Divide up the rice pudding into glass serving cups.

Step 2. Caramel

  1. Pour the sugar into a saucepan and leave to cook until an amber caramel is obtained.
  2. Take off the heat and pour the cream in a thin drizzle, stirring constantly.
  3. Add the butter, mix for 2 min on a low heat. Leave to cool and pour it over the rice pudding.

Step 3. Buckwheat

Toast the buckwheat in a dry frying pan for 2 min. Sprinkle the buckwheat over the rice pudding and serve.


Mumm Olympe

Invited to all the best parties, Mumm Olympe champagne combines delicious sweetness with bright fruit and the House’s signature freshness.

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