
What is behind the cordon rouge


What is behind the Cordon Rouge?

Did you know?

Dating back to 1876, Georges Hermann Mumm, seeking a way to best represent the House’s unique savoir-faire, was inspired by the French Légion d’Honneur. Mumm added a red ribbon, or “cordon rouge” in French, to bottles of Brut cuvées to highlight the esteem of the House’s champagne and Mumm Cordon Rouge came to life.

Now an enduring symbol of Maison Mumm, the red ribbon is a representation of Mumm’s motto, “Nec plus ultra: Only the best.”.

Encapsulating the excellence and emblematic style of Mumm champagnes, today, the red sash appears on every Mumm bottle, label and poster and has become synonymous with champagne.

#Mumm   #Champagne   #ChampagneMoment   #FrenchSavoirFaire   #ChampagneLovers

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