Whether you’re looking for a sophisticated champagne cocktail recipe to make at home for a dinner party or you’re simply looking for another way to sip champagne, we hope the recipes below will inspire you!

Winter Hare



  • 1.5 parts Rabbit Hole Cavehill Bourbon
  • 1/2 part Citrus Mint Syrup
  • 1/2 parts Lemon Juice
  • 2 parts G.H.Mumm Brut

+ GLASSWARE  Collins Glass

+ ICE  Crushed Ice

+ GARNISH  Sprig of mint and burnt cinnamon stick

El Durazno Rosa


  • 1 part Altos Tequila
  • 1 bar spoon Peach Preserves
  • ½ part Thyme Syrup
  • ½ part Lemon Juice
  • 3 parts Grand Cordon Rosé

+ GLASSWARE  Rocks Glass


  • Shake tequila, peach preserves, thyme syrup and lemon juice over ice
  • Double strain into glass with 4 cold draft cubes
  • Top with G.H.Mumm Grand Cordon Rosé
  • Garnish with a dehydrated peach slice and splash soda
El Durazno Rosa
GHMumm_US – 1.B

Silk pyjamas


  • 1.5 oz Absolute Elyx Vodka
  • 1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
  • 1 oz Grapefruit Juice
  • 1/2 oz Lime Juice
  • G.H.Mumm Brut

+ GLASSWARE  G.H.Mumm Cloupe

+ ICE  Crushed Ice

+ GARNISH   Sprig of mint & Fresh grated nutmeg

Fleur de Rosé


  • 4 parts Grand Cordon Rosé
  • ¾ parts chilled Hibiscus Syrup
  • 1 part Soda

+ GLASSWARE  Coupe / Flute


  • Chill Hibiscus Syrup over ice (or refrigerate)
  • Strain into glass
  • Top with G.H.Mumm Grand Cordon Rosé
  • Garnish with Edible Hibiscus Flower


La Rousse

La Rousse


  • 1 part Whiskey
  • 1 part Blood Orange Syrup
  • 3 parts Grand Cordon Rosé

+ GLASSWARE  Coupe / Flute


  • Stir whiskey, and blood orange syrup over ice.
  • Strain into rocks glass with cold draft,
  • Top with G.H.Mumm Grand Cordon Rosé

+ GARNISH   Dehydrated blood orange, and blood orange cubes



Five champagne cocktail ideas: recipes for all occasions

Blend fresh fruit and tequila for a sunny afternoon treat, or pair a subtle bourbon with Mumm champagne for a

Opening and storing champagne: read our tasting tips

Are you planning on opening a bottle of champagne to make cocktails, but not sure where to begin? Never fear, we’ve got some foolproof tips to help you!

To open your bottle of champagne, start by peeling off the foil seal and removing the wire cage. Hold the bottle firmly by the base, not the neck. Use your other hand to grip the cork, then turn the bottle slowly while keeping it pointed away from you at a 30-45° angle. Keep rotating the bottle rather than the cork until you hear a gentle “pop”.

If there is still champagne left in the bottle when you have finished preparing your cocktails, you can return the open bottle to the refrigerator, or else keep it chilled in an ice bucket. There is no need to put a stopper in: champagne keeps its bubbles for several hours after it has been opened. You can always serve the rest with your meal.

So, which of our five champagne cocktail recipes has caught your eye?



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